Small Business Saturday

Show your love for Atlantic and shop local this Holiday Season! The annual American Express Campaign encourages community members to "Love where you live...Shop small!"
Small Business Saturday
The Atlantic Area Chamber of Commerce will be participating in the 13th annual Small Business Saturday on November 25th to support small businesses in Atlantic.Founded by American Express in 2010, Small Business Saturday® is a day to celebrate the small businesses that help support our community. Small Business Saturday rallies shoppers, local businesses and public officials to Shop Small® and show their community pride.
American Express created the Neighborhood Champions program to help rally communities around Small Business Saturday and is working alongside numerous business organizations to support local Small Business Saturday celebrations throughout the country. Participating organizations include the American Chamber of Commerce Executives, the American Independent Business Alliance (AMIBA), the International Downtown Association, the Latino Coalition, the National Main Street Center, the U.S. Black Chambers, Inc. and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
Small business owners can learn more about taking part in Small Business Saturday and download free marketing materials on Consumers can also visit the site to find small merchants to shop at on Small Business Saturday.
Participating Locations:
Akin Building Center: If you order a kitchen, receive 10% off all installed countertops. Now thru Dec 10th.
16-gallon Shop vacs regularly priced at $149.99 on sale for $129.99 while supplies last.
12% off all in-stock snow shovels.
Stock up on 10 LB Ice-melt Regularly priced at $5.49 Sale Price is $3.99 while supplies last.
Inset Cabinetry 15% off. 10%off Overlay Cabinetry. Now thru Dec 15th.
Atlantic Treasures: 10% off Yankee Candle Scent Lights and Large Candles.
Brymons Interiors: All Christmas ornaments will be on sale, starting at just $1!
FREE tumbler with the purchase of $30 from our Engravable Department!
Buy Two Get One FREE in women's clothing from Off the Rack!
Rest easy and save on all Recliners - hundreds to choose from!
Cappel's Ace Hardware: Buy a $50 gift certificate and get a $10 certificate FREE. More in-store deals available!
Eleven O' Three: Open 10-2PM
Farmhouse & Flowers: Open 9AM-5PM on Friday and Open 9AM-1PM on Saturday.
Hanson’s Fine Jewelry: Closed on Friday. Open Saturday with 20% of select items. Excluded watched and charms.
Jazzercise-Atlantic: Receive 5 classes for FREE to any new customer!
Outfitters Plus: 25% off team wear and 50% off the rest of the store.
YOUR FORTE: Store-wide sales!